Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Varanasi

Registered Under Act XXI of 1860

Nation-building movement on the basis of Universal ideals of indian Culture And Religion

Address : Vidhyapeeth Road ,Near Nagar Nigam, Sigra, Varanasi

Uttar Pradesh-221010

About Us

The Bharat Sevashram Sangha, a pioneer registered charitable organization estd, In 1917, was founded by the great illustrious patriot saint Acharya Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj. Nearly 500 Monks and Brahamacharis are running hundreds of charitable dispensaries, Hospitals, Mobile Medical Units, Ambulances, Patient homes, Cancer & Leprosy Hospitals, Tribal Welfare centers, Free residential education for nearly 5000 students ( in collaboration with Govt. of India) in Jharkhand, Nagaland, Assam, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Gujarat, West Bengal etc. Schools & Technical institutes, Women empowerment centers, Youth welfare centers etc. besides Relief work during hours of natural calamities of flood, famine, earthquake in any part of country. Great Founder: It was in 1896. India saw the emergence of an exceptional yogi a great spiritual preceptor and social reformer and a patriotic saint. He arrived on this earth to preach and propagate the lofty Ideals of ancient Indian Culture and morality. He attained the highest goal of His life at an early age of 20 by dint of his strenuous austerities and rigorous spiritual practices. He maintained a strict disciplined life from his very boyhood. With complete celibacy, strong moral character and a firm determination for noble and philanthropic work. His soul was so pure, his heart was so kind, his approaches so polite, his ideals were so broad based, his most progressive ideas in socio- religions and humanitarian services attracted thousands of youths, social workers around him.



Single Bed

Double Bed

Delux Room



Core Features
High Speed WiFi
Laundry Service
Meditation & Yoga
Pool Party Anytime
Gym & Exercise
Restaurant Foods
Conference Room
Transport Facilities
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